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Entre VOUS et glory

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Date de naissance14 Mai 1988
Age36 ans
Date d'inscription12 ans sur le site14 Mai 2012

Description du membre

It is so hard to describe myself, as I am sure it is for most people. I guess the best way to put it is that I am a really genuine person with a huge heart.I'm a very passionate and romantic lady and not afraid to show my affections in private or public. I am very clean and like seeing things and people clean as well. I will always treat my man well and with respect and love and cherish him.I'm very easy going and down to earth.I Believe that a strong relationship is not based only on sex life but that a strong relationship builds a strong love life that leads to a strong and great sex life and can only happen with open communication,trust and commitment and constantly working together and being honest with my man , I am very family oriented and I am looking for someone with strong family values. I am very friendly and love to be surrounded by fun, outgoing, positive people


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