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1 message

Translation Errors 1

Grembo de Grenoble

Grembo de Grenoble , 04 Janv 2011 à 17:53

There are quite a few errors in the English:

OLD => NEW [comment]


Followed outings => Outings I am following

few infos on you => A few stat(istic)s about you

XX persons put you in their lists of friends or acquaintances => XX people put you in their lists of friends or acquaintances [1 person, 2 people]

you have no organized outing => you have not [yet] organized an outing

You don't participate in any outing, start now ! => You haven't participated in any outings, start now ! [verb, tense, plural]

My log book => My journal [personal preference here]

My Mailbox => Inbox [more normal usage in English forums]

outing made with 1 members on Dailyfriends => outing took place with 1 members on Dailyfriends

New outings initiated on Grenoble => New outings created in Grenoble

Lastest discussions on your forums => Lastest discussions in your forums

[in the same section]
xxxxx has written => xxxxx wrote

xxxxxx of the forums yyyyyyy => xxxxxx in the forum yyyyyy

published today => posted today [more correct]

Fews members presents on Dailyfriends => A few Dailyfriends members

Principle site => Principal site

Last members => Latest members [or] Newest members [or] Recently arrived [or] They're New! [or] Welcome [or] Latest Arrivals

Birthday => Birthdays [plural]

Hope that helps :)


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